Any removal of content can be appealed by messaging the moderators. Some people like its simplistic, battle pass-like system. Payday 2s new infamy system has received mixed reviews. It is a welcomed addition that is sure to come in handy for both newcomers and long-time players. Moderators may use their discretion to approve or remove content as they see fit. Once a player unlocks enough skill points in their new infamy tier, they will unlock the skill set they saved before going infamous. Do not ask for or provide pirated content. Piracy is a violation of Reddit's Terms of Service. Use the search bar to check if something has been posted recently before making a new post. Do not repost a topic, link, image or video that has already been posted recently. Do not spam the sub with self-promotion. Posts and comments must be directly related to the inFAMOUS franchise. Do not be rude or disrespectful to other users, no matter what difference of opinion you may have.
#Infamous 2 skins how to#
For a full breakdown and instructions on how to spoiler tag, please read the Full Spoiler Rules. Do not put spoilers in your title, as they are not censored by the tag.

Do not make posts or comments containing untagged spoilers. Please read the Full Subreddit Rules for more detailed descriptions of the rules. The series was created by Sucker Punch Productions. InFAMOUS also includes a handful of comic books and browser games. The series includes the PS3 games inFAMOUS (2009), inFAMOUS 2 (2011) and Festival of Blood (2011), as well as the PS4 games Second Son (2014) and First Light (2014). InFAMOUS: Second Son Fan Kit Download About